I tried specs coffee

Sept 20th, 2024

So, I was making a rare trip to specs with a dear friend, and as we were checking out I spied a whole coffee setup on the back wall. For those who don't know, specs is an alochol and spirits chain, so I thought it pretty unusual that they'd include coffee in their offerings. I knew what I had to do, then and there.

I'll spare you the details, but I went through a lot to get this stuff. Turns out, the coffee dispensers were not self-serve. There was also a mixup with my half-drank bottle of sparkling water. It was an ordeal.

I decided to try a breakfast blend, which are usually lighter roasts that are bright and tangy. I haven't experimented with grind settings, typically I try to get a slightly fine grind but to be quite honest I have no idea how fine this is! It doesn't look fine enough for espresso, that's for sure. The results are good though so, I can't complain.

Recently I switched to a V60 brewer rather than my typical Chemex setup. I'm not used to how quickly it brews, it's actually really nice cause I'm used to having to bring my entire brewer into my room to wait for it to finish while I work. Please excuse my messy setup, moving brings out the chaos in me.

The result is tea-like in color and body, light, and pretty fragrant. That's a light roast for you! The taste was a bit thin on flavor, but that gave it a refreshing quality that I must've really needed today, because I drank all three cups in the span of 20 minutes. Tangy, sharp, and with just a little hint of caramel/chocolate flavor.

All said, I'm surprised specs can do coffee. I don't think I'll seek this out or anything but it'll do in a pinch! Perfect for this hectic moving week ahead of me.

I guess I'm reviewing coffee now-----Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee! Haha! My body is a machine that turns coffee into games! caffeine is my blood!!!
